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Rev. Viola Singleton & Bro. George Singleton

Our Story

The late Reverend Viola Singleton was the wife of George Singleton and the mother of three children when she was called into the ministry as a young woman. She served as the Assistant Pastor to Apostle Sam Sallis for many years before she launched out into a ministry on her own.


When Rev. Singleton’s ministry began, she had no idea where God was leading her. With great faith to obey God's instructions, she started a Sunday school for children and prayer service for adults in her home. The ministry began to outgrow her home and she sought the Lord for a place to worship.


Mt. Calvary Chapel is a place of answered prayers and a living testament to the faith of its founder. In 1978, God answered her prayers, honored her faith, and blessed her to purchase a building on 5th Street in Midland, Pennsylvania. The building needed extensive remodeling. By December of that year, they had moved in and officially called the ministry Mt. Calvary Chapel. Six years later, God blessed her to purchase another church on the corner of 7th street and Penn Avenue, Midland, PA.  We then made our other building into a Fellowship Hall to help serve our needs as well as the needs of the community.


Pastor Viola Singleton was loved very much by the members of her congregation.  She was a woman with a noble spirit, humanitarian principles, and one who possessed a compassionate understanding of the needs of the people.  She exercised sound judgment, wise kindly counsel, and endeared herself to God’s work. She served Mount Calvary Chapel with unselfish devotion and was a godly example to her members and community.  


“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course; I have kept the faith.”  II Timothy 4:7

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